A person’s set of gums and teeth is personal. That makes it a little difficult when you get oral problems, especially when it requires corrective procedures. It makes it doubly harder when the patient doesn’t have any idea what their … Continue reading
Our world today is dominated by visual content. In every industry you’d see images with messages and slogans and not all of them have words. You see smartphones improving their cameras every few months or so. The marketing world invests … Continue reading
Plus points for technology once more! Thanks to the innovation that is computer-guided dental implant surgery, implants are now a possibility for more patients from a wider range who are all missing one or more of their teeth. Computer-guided dental … Continue reading
As a dentist, which dental procedures do you like doing for your patients? Every dental professional wants to be able to provide better service. However, not every dentist has the initiative to look for ways to improve their procedures. It’s … Continue reading