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Consulting & Treatment Planning and All on 4 GuidedSMILE.

In our combined 100 years + experience, we’ve seen it all. The Good, The Bad and the Ugly! We can assist you in formulating a thorough and complete case plan. From the most basic cases to complete rehab cases, we can offer you complex plan outlines as well as the fees involved. We offer this consulting service either in your office individually, or together with your dental team and the patient if so desired.

Ideally we prefer to have an in person meeting to discuss the case, we feel that this is the best way to ensure that everyone is on the same page. At this meeting we like to have the following available: Articulated Models (Facebow), XRays, Panoramic xrays, Ct Scans, Patient Photographs.

Treatment Plan

On occasions we also like to meet with the patient to get a “feel” for the patients expectations and concerns.
Typically a treatment plan consult will involve a discussion on the following topics:

  • Patients Expectations and wishes.
  • Dentists Clinical Plan/Ideas
  • Material Choices best suited for the case
  • Appointment Sequencing


Once a treatment plan has been agreed upon, we then start with diagnostics, which typically involve mock ups in wax or using virtual digital technology. These diagnostics are based upon the patients wants and what is actually clinically possible. Often it is a compromise between the two. After approval of the diagnostics by the patient and the clinician the case work can begin in earnest.
A few other items may also be required by the clinician and may include:

  • Custom Trays
  • Silicone Matrices of the Mock ups to be used to fabricate Chair side temporaries
  • Temporary Crowns and bridges
  • Reduction guides
  • Implant surgical Guides

We pride ourselves on our  success rate with both simple and complex cases. We believe that success in dentistry is only as good as your team is. Remember If You Fail to Plan then you must be Prepared to Fail.

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